Sunday 30th October             Thirty First Sunday in Ordinary Time

Wisdom 11: 22-12.2; Psalm 144; 2 Thessalonians 1: 11-2:2 Luke 19: 1-10;\      

Mass & Hymns                Stonehouse               9.00am           People of the Parish

Mass & Hymns             Priory Church           11.00am         People of the Parish

Mass & Hymns             Priory Church            5.00pm         People of the Parish

Monday             Weekday in Ordinary time;

Philippians 2:1-4;  Psalm 130; Luke 14: 12-14;

Requiem Mass               Stonehouse               1.00pm          Pearl O’Dowd

Tuesday              Solemnity of All Saints; Holy day of Obligation

Apocalypse 7; 2-4.9-14; Psalm 23  1 John 3: 1-3; Matthew 5: 1-12;

Mass                             Priory Church              9.15am

Mass                             Stonehouse                  7.00pm

Wednesday          Commemoration of the Faithful Departed;

Lectionary 1 p1002; Isaiah 25: 6-9; Psalm 26; Romans 5: 5-11; Luke 7: 11-17

Mass                              Stonehouse                10.00am             All Souls

Thursday             Weekday in Ordinary Time;

Philippians 3: 3-8; Psalm 104; Luke 15; 1-10;

No Mass

Friday                 Memorial of t. Charles Borromeo; Bishop;

Philippians 3: 17-4: 1;  Psalm 121; Luke 16: 1-8;

Mass                              Priory Church             9.15am

Saturday             Weekday in Ordinary Time

Philippians 4: 10-19; Psalm 111; Luke 16; 9-15;

Mass                            Stonehouse                10.00am

Sunday               Thirty Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

2Maccabees 7: 1-2.9-14; Psalm 16; 2 Thessalonians 2: 16—3: 5 Luke 20: 27-38\      

Mass & Hymns                Stonehouse                     9.00am         People of the Parish

Mass & Hymns             Priory Church           11.00am       People of the Parish

Mass & Hymns             Priory Church            5.00pm       People of the Parish


Please Pray For

We pray for: the ill and housebound; Barry Norris, Cynthia Stevens, Billy Saunders, Peggy Chapman, Tony Coupe, Bernadette Chandler, Fr. Michael Davies, Maria Hanaiuk, Brenda Chambers, Joan Berner, Val Gamble, Barry Taylor, John Presland and Agnes Hutchinson.

We pray for: those whose anniversaries of death occur about this time:  Fr. John O’Donnell, Canon  Edward Moriarty, Fr. Patrick Auger, Fr. Thomas Staunton, Mary Stevens, Rozalia Depko, Patrick Hanley, Betty Wilkie, Flora Eugene Tanner, Alfred Cecil Jones, Hubert Lindsay Wellington, Josefa Jach, Madeline Peglar Jan Cieszkawsk, Frank Ford, John Michael Chetwynd – Talbot Thornton Mary Stevens, Rozalia Depko, Patrick Hanley, Betty Wilkie, Flora Eugene Tanner, Alfred Cecil Jones, Hubert Lindsay Wellington, Josefa Jach, Madeline Peglar, Jan Cieszkawsk, Frank Ford and John Michael Chetwynd – Talbot Thornton

In the Diocesan Prayer Link: We pray for all the parishioners of the parishes of The English Martyrs, Chard, and the parishes of Crewkerne and Ilminster and their priest Rev Basil Postlethwaite