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Sacrament of Matrimony.

For Catholics, a wedding is the sacred Sacrament of Marriage or Holy Matrimony. This sacrament is a public sign of giving your self entirely to the other person. A wedding is also a public statement about God: the loving union of husband and wife speaks of family values and also God’s values.

This sacrament established an exclusive and permanent bond between the couple sealed by God, as a sign of the love uniting Christ and the Church. Accordingly, a marriage between two people, validly entered into and consummated, cannot be dissolved. The sacrament confers on them the grace they need for attaining holiness in their married life and for responsible acceptance and upbringing of their children. As a condition for validity, the sacrament is celebrated in the presence of the local Ordinary or Parish Priest or of a cleric delegated by them and at least two other witnesses, though in the theological tradition of the Latin Church the ministers of the sacrament are the couple themselves.
For a valid marriage, a man and a woman must express their informed and free consent to a definitive self-giving to the other, excluding none of the essential properties and aims of marriage.

If one of the two is a non-Catholic Christian, permission of the competent authority of the Catholic Church must be obtained. If one of the two is not a Christian (i.e. has not been baptised), the competent authority's dispensation is necessary for validity. In many cases, this can be readily granted.

Woodchester Priory is one of the few Grade 1 listed Cathloc churches in England, with architecture inspired by Pugin's Gothic Revival style of architecture. Nestling in the Cotswold valleys it is set in an ideal location for weddings. We welcome wedding couples from outside the Parish who are looking for a tranquil and beautiful setting.

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